The Iroquois County State’s Attorney Office, the Juvenile Justice Council and the TIP the Scale Campaign would like to wish all Watseka High School students attending prom a memorable evening!

Warrior Softball Varsity & JV games today at Watseka vs Central are canceled due to wet playing conditions and will not be rescheduled.

Warrior JV baseball game today at GCMS is canceled due to wet playing conditions and will not be rescheduled.

The Warrior baseball game today vs Danville Schlarman is canceled due to wet playing conditions and rescheduled for Friday, May 13th at Watseka at 4:30pm

Baseball & Softball Regional Schedule

2022 WCHS Prom & Post- Prom Information

The Watseka JV baseball game at BHRA today has been cancelled due to wet playing conditions.

2021 - 2022 WCHS Prom Court: https://tinyurl.com/22wchspromcourt

Save the Date - Senior Honors Night

WCHS Graduation Gear Pick Up

The money was raised and now the WCHS Staff follow through on Friday, May 20th

Today is the LAST Day to Purchase Prom Tickets

Mrs. Bandur’s Sociology and Civics classes went to the courthouse to get a better understanding of the Judicial Branch. Students sat in on traffic court, heard from Assistant States Attorney, Alex O’Brien, and Sheriff Perzee gave a tour of the county jail.

The WCHS Music Concert will be Thursday, May 5 at 7pm at the Watseka Theater. You are all invited and encouraged to attend! The concert band, jazz band and choir will all be performing.

Please complete all consents/waivers by Friday, Apr. 29!!!
1. ALL Students Under 18 (including out of town guests) - Have a parent go to https://bit.ly/22wchspp and sign an electronic waiver for students to participate at Urban Air.
2. WCHS Students Only (including 18+) - Complete and have a parent sign the WCHS Consent Form. Parents will be contacted for any registered student who does not show up for post prom.
Please email questions to kimra.anderson@watsekaschools.org.

Today's (4/21) softball game vs St. Anne will now be played AT WATSEKA starting at 4:30pm

In an effort to try and dodge some of the rain today (4/20), the Fr/So Track Invite will start at 4:00pm in Paxton today instead of 4:30pm
The JV softball game at Watseka vs PBL today (4/20) will start at 4:00pm instead of 4:30pm.

IL Rep. Tom Bennett came to speak to Mrs Bandur’s Civics on Tuesday.

Varsity Softball game added:
South Newton at Watseka on Tuesday, April 12th at 4:30pm

NHS is hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on April 29th from 8am-1pm in the WCHS gym. Please email casie.hanson@watsekaschools.org to schedule an appointment.