Wednesday night, Drew McTaggart and Hayden Sullivan represented Watseka Cross Country in the Irish Relay Conditioner at Kankakee Community College. The pair competed together to run 4 miles and took 9th place out of 37 in the Men’s Varsity Division.
Good Morning!
8/23/23 & 8/24/23 Elementary E-Learning assignment pages are found at this webiste:
All WJHS/WCHS students need to log into Google Classroom to view their assignments.
Stay Cool Today!
Congratulations to Dorothy Harms, Madison Hughes and Maya Machev for receiving the College Board's National Rural and Small Town Award (NRSTA). This is an academic recognition based on a student having a 3.5 GPA (or higher) and excelling on the PSAT 10 OR the PSAT/NMSQT.
Today's (8/22) soccer match at Watseka vs Hoopeston Area is cancelled due to the expected extreme weather conditions.
The game is rescheduled for Saturday, September 23rd at Watseka starting at 10:00am
Due to the heat advisory forecast, Unit 9 will be utilizing Elearning days this Wednesday and Thursday.
KACC students will still be required to go to KACC. Regular bus hours are the same for these students.
Assignments and expectations will be communicated by teachers tomorrow.
Due to the forecasted extreme heat, the tennis match between Watseka and Danville Schlarman that was scheduled at Watseka on 8/22 will now be played indoors at the Danville Tennis Center.
Tuesday, August 22
Danville Tennis Center
900 Lincoln Park Ave, Danville, IL 61832
Iroquois CUSD 9 is very proud of the amazing working relationship we have with all of the public entities in Watseka. Today we would like to thank the Watseka Fire Department for changing out our flag at WCHS/WJHS.
Unit 9 is hiring!
Do you have all the paperwork done for school?
Monday, August 14th, Watseka Schools invite your students to come visit us!
Technology Pick Up
High School Students-August 10th 9-4pm in the WCHS Cafe.
Junior High Students-FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL
All students must have a chromebook bag and school registration complete before they will get their chromebook.
Ready to Learn! Here a building times for this school year.
School starts NEXT Wednesday, August 16th
Here is a list of building times.
Back to School Important Dates! You can also see district wide events, including no school days, games, open houses, on our website. Just scroll to the bottom of the page and select "see all events"
School Supply Lists are available here:
Please note--there is NOT a supply list for high school students.
All 6-12th grade students need a chromebook bag. They brought their bag home at the end of the school year and need to bring it back to technology pick up (9-12 grade) or first day of school (6-8). If your child lost or has a damaged bag, you can purchase one on your own.
The PowerSchool App is not working for everyone. If you can't see your child's schedule, you will need to log into PowerSchool on a web browser (not the app).
If you have questions about school supplies, open houses, breakfast, lunch, chromebooks etc, please take a look at our Back to School Newsletter.
WCHS is proud to announce the Class of 2023 Valedictorian, Elizabeth Wittenborn and Salutatorian, Baler Rigsby. Baler is attending KCC to study nursing and Elizabeth is attending Purdue University to study pharmaceutical science.
Graduation is Friday!
All Unit 9 students need to returned their chromebooks, chargers, and hot spots (if they have one checked out).
Collection dates:
Watseka Elementary & WJHS-Wednesday, May 24th
WCHS 9-11th Grade-Thursday, May 25th.
Please remind your student to bring ALL items back to avoid charges.
Congratulations are in order for Coach Bauer as he was named the Coach of The Year (again!) for his work with our high school girls basketball team. Senator Tom Bennett stopped by this morning to congratulate Mr. Bauer on this accomplishment and present him with the award. We are grateful for all he does for us.
Congrats, Barry!