Advisor: Erica Miller

Scholarship, Leadership, Character and Service

The National Honor Society is one of the oldest and most prestigious national organizations for high school students. Through continued academic achievement, personal growth, leadership involvement, and participation in chapter service activities, members maintain and extend the qualities for which they were selected. In addition, members are to attend monthly meetings and participate in chapter service projects. Membership is both an honor and commitment to the ideals of the society. Selection of members is based upon these pillars.

Requirements for nomination to the National Honor Society:

Scholarship: You must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 at all times. At the completion of sophomore year, students who meet this criteria will be mailed an invitation to complete the application. All students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25. If a student fails to maintain this standard, they will be placed on probation the subsequent semester and are reinstated only if their semester average reaches 3.25. If it does not, they face dismissal from the Watseka chapter of NHS.

Service: The National Honor Society is a service organization. The Faculty Committee members are looking for ongoing community service hours that you have completed during each of your high school years.

Students who serve:

  • Are available and willing to offer assistance

  • Get along with others and are willing to take on difficult responsibilities

  • Enthusiastically serve their school and community

  • Complete all service obligations without complaint

  • Are courteous to visitors, teachers and students

  • Participate in at least one community activity

Leadership and Character: NHS students lead by example. All members of NHS must demonstrate exceptional leadership and character qualities. The Faculty Committee considers the following when reviewing an applicants leadership and character:

A student of exceptional leadership is:

  • Active in WCHS sponsored clubs or sports team

  • Demonstrated leadership in promoting school activities

  • Demonstrate influence on peers in upholding school ideals

  • Exemplifies positive attitude and is able to delegate responsibilities to completion

  • Inspires positive behavior in others

  • Successfully holds offices or positions of responsibility

  • Demonstrates leadership in the classroom, at work and in school activities

  • Exhibits dependability in any accepted responsibility

A student of exceptional character:

  • Exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior like cheerfulness, friendliness, poise and stability

  • Upholds principles of morality and ethics

  • Cooperates by complying with school regulations

  • Shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others.

  • Adheres to the district handbook regarding school rules, cheating and plagiarism

Membership Selection Process: Applications are reviewed by the Faculty Committee. The Faculty Committee consists of faculty members. All decisions of the Faculty Committee are final. There is no appeal process. Students are highly encouraged to complete applications thoroughly, neatly and accurately. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.