Yearbook Closet Clean-Out - Special Pricing:
over 2 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
Old Yearbooks
WCHS 22/23 Yearbook Pre-Sale Event
over 2 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
WCHS Yearbook
Make sure you check out the Back to School Newsletter located on the website and the app. There is a ton of important information in it!! Here are just a few highlight!
over 2 years ago, Casie Hanson
year calendar
School meals are not free this year. If you’ve never applied in the past, please apply this year. These applications are about way more than reduced lunch fees. We need everyone to fill out the form because these applications help the district earn funding for programs and supplies every student uses. All Unit 9 families are receiving an application in the mail soon. Please fill it out and return it to or drop it off at the Unit Office.
over 2 years ago, Casie Hanson
greater than a free meal
Online registration is open for all students Pre-K-12th grade. Please take time TODAY to register your students! Visit: for more information on how to register. If you would like assistance with registration, please call Jennifer Dixon or your child’s school to schedule an appointment. Jennifer Dixon at (815) 432-2115 press 3. Wanda Kendall (815) 432-2112 Glenn Raymond Elementary (815) 432-4581 Watseka Junior High School (815) 432-2115 Watseka Community High School (815) 432-2486
over 2 years ago, Casie Hanson
Register Today!
WCHS 22/23 Yearbook Pre-Sale Event
over 2 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
Yearbook Pre-Sale
Summer Breakfast Program- Iroquois CUSD #9 will conduct a Jump Start Breakfast Program for Grades 1-5. Children ages 1 through 18 years of age are welcome to come for breakfast. The meal will be served free of any cost to the children. Breakfast will be served Monday – Friday, August 1 – August 12th at Glenn Raymond School, starting at 8:40 – 9:40 A.M. Children should enter through the East Door off of the black top on South Third Street. The Summer Food Service Program is available to all children without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age or handicap. If you are interested in further information regarding this program, please contact Jami Harris at 815-432-3891. Sincerely, Jami Harris Food Service Director
over 2 years ago, Casie Hanson
WCHS 21/22 Yearbook Delivery Information
over 2 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
21/22 Yearbook Delivery
Make Sure to Order Soon!
almost 3 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
Last Call
almost 3 years ago, Watseka High School
Senior Trip
WCHS SENIORS! You must turn in all technology checked out this morning at 8:00 AM during your senior breakfast. Chromebooks, chargers (both parts), and hot spots.
almost 3 years ago, Watseka High School
WCHS seniors technology return
Come See Us This Friday..
almost 3 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
Online registration is open for all new and returning Unit 9 students. Parents/Guardians of new students will need to pre-register at this link: Parents/Guardians of returning students need to visit the PowerSchool Parent page at: and log into their Parent Portal. If you do not have a parent account, please email or for assistance. You can also call your child's school for login assistance. All instructions are located on our website: or can be picked up at one of the schools. If you need registration assistance, please call (815) 432-2115 press 3 to schedule an appointment for assistance.
almost 3 years ago, Casie Hanson
Registration is Open
WCHS Academic Awards Assembly - View live here tomorrow, May 18th at 2:00 pm as we honor our 9th - 12th grade students for their academic successes this year.
almost 3 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
WCHS Awards Assembly
And All That Jazz was held on Saturday night. A big THANK YOU to all who attended and/or donated items for our silent auction. The night was a success! Tomorrow (5/17) is the WJHS Spring Concert. The 5th grade band, 6th grade band, 7/8th grade band and 6/7/8th grade choir will perform in the gym beginning at 7pm.
almost 3 years ago, Watseka High School
All that Jazz
All that Jazz
All that Jazz
All that Jazz
Kankakee/Iroquois County Back to School Fair, coordinated by Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet is scheduled for 11am-1pm on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at Kankakee High School located at 1200 W. Jeffery St., Kankakee! This annual summer event is a major countywide effort to help low-income families access important services to begin the school year on a positive note. This event will be a contact-free drive-through school supply distribution again this year. Everyone seeking assistance with school supplies must pre-register through our online website (starting on May 23, 2022) at
almost 3 years ago, Casie Hanson
School Fair
Back to School Fair
Want to enroll your student in an athletic summer camp? Check out our website for all the information. Deadlines are quickly approaching for some of the camps!
almost 3 years ago, Casie Hanson
Attention WCHS Sports Fans! Here are the latest updates! Girls Sectional Track Meet is Friday, May 13, 4:30pm at Salt Fork High School in Catlin. If you plan on attending, you will need to purchase a digital ticket at the following link: JV Baseball at Momence on Wednesday has been canceled by Momence due to scheduling conflicts. Varsity baseball finishes their regular season with home games on Wednesday vs Armstrong & on Friday vs Schlarman. Both start at 4:30pm Varsity softball finishes their regular season with home games on Wednesday vs PBL & on Thursday vs Champaign Central. Both game start at 4:30pm Boys Sectional will be held on Friday, May 20th at St. Joseph-Ogden H.S. starting at 4:30pm. If you plan on attending, you will need to purchase a digital ticket at the following link:
almost 3 years ago, Watseka High School
Hungry? Come See Us In the WCHS Circle Drive - Free Will Donation
almost 3 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
Let Us Make Dinner Tuesday Night
almost 3 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg