Amelio is the Science Department Student of the Month for March. Amelio has been doing an excellent job in Chemistry this year. He works hard to learn the material and is quick to volunteer. When put into a group, Amelio is helpful and patient with his classmates, making sure that everyone understand what is happening, so they can do their best as well. Overall he has shown excellent leadership and work ethic and I am proud of him! Congratulations Amelio!
almost 3 years ago, Travis Findlay
Amelio Student of the Month
Elena is the Math Department's Student of the Month for March. Elena works hard to understand all of the math concepts, not just how, but the why and when as well. She works very well with her group mates in attacking all the challenges thrown at them making sure that everyone understands the concepts. Congrats Elena!
almost 3 years ago, Travis Findlay
Elena Student of the Month
Congratulations to Megan! She is the English Student of the Month for March. Megan has an excellent work ethic and attitude! Megan is enthusiastic about all that she does: academics, athletics, and the school play to name just a few. Thank you for being you, Megan!
almost 3 years ago, Travis Findlay
Megan Student of the Month
Karsyn is the March Student of the Month for Driver's Education. Karsyn was active in class and always ready to answer any questions that arose during class, as well as ask questions if she was unsure about something. She always had her work done on time and complete. Her work ethic and attention to detail is absolutely off the charts! It was a joy to have her in Drivers Ed 3rd Quarter. Congratulations Karsyn!
almost 3 years ago, Travis Findlay
Karsyn Student of the Month
The boys and girls track meet at Dwight tomorrow (4/8) is cancelled due to the low predicted temperatures.
almost 3 years ago, Casie Hanson
Madison is the Social Studies Student of the Month for March. Madison's great work ethic has helped her master all of the history skills. She is a pleasure to have in class and I can't wait to see what she accomplishes in the future. Congratulations Madison!
almost 3 years ago, Travis Findlay
Madison Student of the Month
The Specials Department would like to nominate Haven for Student of the Month for March. She is always diligent and on task with her work. She is always respectful and willing to accept suggestions to improve any assignment if needed. Her kindness, gentleness, and concern for others are exemplary. When participating in group work she is always willing to listen to others, compromise and be a quiet leader to complete tasks. Congratulations Haven!
almost 3 years ago, Travis Findlay
Haven Student of the Month
Watseka baseball and softball games scheduled tomorrow (Friday 4/8) at Westville have been cancelled due to the weather and rescheduled for Tuesday, May 10th at 4:30pm in Westville.
almost 3 years ago, Watseka High School
Today's (4/6) varsity baseball game at St. Thomas More has been cancelled due to wet playing conditions. No make-up date at this time.
almost 3 years ago, Watseka High School
The baseball game that was canceled yesterday (4/5) with Iroquois West will be rescheduled for Saturday, April 23rd. The Varsity game will start at 10:00am followed by a JV game. (The JV game with Salt Fork that was originally scheduled for April 23rd will try to be rescheduled on a later date.)
almost 3 years ago, Watseka High School
We Are Looking for Community & Business Input on How to Better Prepare Our Students
almost 3 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
CTE Advisory Committee Meeting
April 13th all 9-11 students will be taking the PSAT/SAT. Links to test prep materials have been given to students on their Google Classroom pages. Seniors will NOT be in attendance that day.
almost 3 years ago, Travis Findlay
The varsity baseball game today between Watseka and Iroquois West is canceled due to wet playing conditions (at both fields). The softball game between Watseka and IW will be played at Watseka as scheduled. Varsity at 4:30pm followed by JV innings.
almost 3 years ago, Watseka High School
2022 WCHS Prom Information
almost 3 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
It's No April Fools Joke - Graduation is Coming Soon - Please Make Sure to Submit Your Pictures - Contact Mrs. Sterrenberg With Questions
almost 3 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
Senior Yearbook Pictures
Key Club Pork Burger Thru
almost 3 years ago, Watseka High School
Pork Burger sale
Today's (3/30) baseball and softball games at Watseka have been cancelled due to the rain. The JV baseball game at Clifton Central has also been cancelled. The softball game that was cancelled on 3/23 vs. GCMS has been rescheduled for Friday 4/1 at Watseka. Varsity game only at 4:30pm
almost 3 years ago, Watseka High School
Save the Date! 2022 WCHS Graduation will be held on May 27th at 6:30 PM.
almost 3 years ago, Watseka High School
Graduation Date Set
Today's boys and girls track meet at Watseka is cancelled due to low temperatures.
almost 3 years ago, Watseka High School
We want you charged up and ready for the last quarter! 🔌 in those Chromebooks!
almost 3 years ago, Casie Hanson
Plug in your chromebook!