Iroquois County CUSD #9 is happy to participate in I-KAN ROE's Life Education Center programs. Please take a few minutes to view their Feb. Newsletter.
about 2 years ago, Casie Hanson
IKAN Feb. Newsletter
Art Club will be having a Porkburger Drive Thru on Tuesday, February 14th (Valentine's Day💘) from 3pm - 6pm at the circle drive at WCHS. There is a high school boys basketball game that night in Milford at 6pm. We hope that many of you who might be going to the game will swing by and grab dinner! Spread the word!
about 2 years ago, Watseka High School
Art Club Porkburger Drive-Thru
2022-2023 IHSA Girls Basketball Regional Bracket
about 2 years ago, Watseka High School
2022-2023 IHSA Girls Basketball Regional Bracket
Preschool Screening: Friday, March 10, 2023 from 8:30-3:00pm at the Watseka Unit 9 Office. Call (815)432-2112 to schedule an appointment!
about 2 years ago, Casie Hanson
Preschool Screening: Friday, March 10, 2023 from 8:30-3:00pm at the Watseka Unit 9 Office. Call (815)432-2112 to schedule an appointment!
Reminder: Wednesday, February 1st is the LAST day for your student to turn in their signed WCHS Class Registration Form. Time to LEVEL UP!
about 2 years ago, Erica Miller
Preschool Screening: Friday, March 10, 2023 from 8:30-3:00pm at the Watseka Unit 9 Office. Call (815)432-2112 to schedule an appointment!
about 2 years ago, Casie Hanson
Preschool For All
Preschool For All
The boys basketball non-conference game at Momence on February 8th has been cancelled. There will be no make-up date.
about 2 years ago, Watseka High School
Congratulations Coach Bauer! Thank you for all that you do for the athletic department and our students! #IHSA #TeacherSpotlight
about 2 years ago, Watseka High School
Barry Bauer IHSA
The girls basketball game at Gibson City on Saturday (1/28) has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict.. There will be no make-up date.
about 2 years ago, Watseka High School
Today is an e-learning day for Unit 9 schools. Grades 6-12: Check Google Classroom for assignments. Grades K-5: View your grade level assignment sheets here- All work will be posted by 8:30 am.
about 2 years ago, Casie Hanson
Today is an e-learning day for Unit 9 schools.  Grades 6-12: Check Google Classroom for assignments.  Grades K-5: View your grade level assignment sheets here-
Watseka FFA is gearing up for their annual auction! Check out the list of all the items up for auction! Auction is Jan 29th -- WCHS GYM Doors open at 12 noon Auction starts at 1 pm Dinner is free will donation, the public is invited!-- All proceeds go to WCHS FFA Alumni Scholarships and Activities
about 2 years ago, Watseka High School
WATSEKA FFA ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP AUCTION  SUNDAY 1.29.23 1pm We are 1 week away from auction time!
ATTENTION IROQUOIS COUNTY PARENTS! Are you a parent of children ages 0-8 and you want to help make a difference! Birth to Five is "recruiting" parents in Kankakee & Iroquois Counties to be a part of our Focus Groups in these areas: Daycare staff Parents of children 0-8 An Iroquois Co. specific group Another focus group on "Care" service providers. Scan the QR code to submit your contact information to express interest in participating in a focus group (participants get a $25 dollar gift card)! Scan a different QR code to share your "Stories" either good or bad Scan a QR code to join the Birth to Five newsletter Scan a QR code to follow us on Facebook. Your input can give Birth to Five information that goes directly back to the State of Illinois that can impact Policies, Funding and Resources for families in Iroquois County!
about 2 years ago, Casie Hanson
Birth to Five Spanish
Birth to Five English
Join the Watseka Warrior Basketball team at the Public Library on Monday, Feb. 13th from 3:30-5:30 pm. The boys will be making Valentine cards with kids.
about 2 years ago, Watseka High School
Make & Take Valentines
Watseka's "Hoop-Stars" Clinic Sign Up Sheet
about 2 years ago, Watseka High School
Watseka Hoop-Stars Basketball Clinic
Attendance Matters!
about 2 years ago, Watseka High School
Attendance Matters!
Watseka vs Urbana Girls Basketball game at Watseka on Thursday, Dec. 22 is cancelled and rescheduled for Saturday, Jan. 7th the JV starting at 10am followed by the varsity.
about 2 years ago, Casie Hanson
Attention WCHS Seniors and Parents!! Studio 9 needs you to turn in pictures for the senior video!
about 2 years ago, Watseka High School
WCHS Seniors
Please take some time to read our Quarter 2: Warrior News! There are a lot of exciting events over the last nine weeks and we hope you enjoy reading about them.
about 2 years ago, Casie Hanson
Our Unit 9 students and staff have really had a blast today! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! WJHS students enjoyed an end of the quarter incentive day with crafts, movies, games, and VR. WCHS & WJHS students competed in a door decorating contest. Watseka Elementary students enjoyed holiday crafts and the 1st graders enjoyed a Polar Express themed day! Wishing all our students and staff a wonderful break! Check out our video recap:
about 2 years ago, Casie Hanson
Several parents have reported issues with the PowerSchool app. If you are experiencing issues with the PowerSchool app, you will need to delete the app and reinstall it on your device. Our district code is QPZS
about 2 years ago, Casie Hanson