WCHS Spring Play North Woods Nonsense Friday, March 31 Saturday, April 1 7:00 pm Watseka Theater $10 in advance at the WCHS Main Office $13 at the door
almost 2 years ago, Watseka High School
WCHS Spring Play North Woods Nonsense Friday, March 31 Saturday, April 1 7:00 pm Watseka Theater $10 in advance at the WCHS Main Office $13 at the door
NHS is hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive on April 28th. Please use the link below to schedule your appointment or email casie.hanson@watsekaschools.org. Watseka High School 138 S. Belmont, Watseka IL 60970 Friday, April 28, 2023 08:00 AM - 01:00 PM https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=Watseka
almost 2 years ago, Watseka High School
American Red Cross
Monday's (3/13) Watseka baseball and softball games at Milford are canceled due to the cold weather.
almost 2 years ago, Watseka High School
If you like reading, please take a moment to read through some of Mrs. Henneike's student submissions for the Fantasy/Sci-Fi genre and help her decide on a winner! Please vote by Monday, March 13. Stories: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1S6sVKvZf72KOGVaMLNCidLZHkTDfOTg3?usp=share_link Vote Here: https://forms.gle/qfdCXFHt2UetEybe8
almost 2 years ago, Watseka High School
The Birth to 5 Council is hoping to hear from families of kids ages 0-8 in our communities about resources needs (daycare, transportation, etc). RSVP for Focus Groups https://forms.gle/Va3cbMafbHV9uUgj7
almost 2 years ago, Casie Hanson
The Birth to 5 Council is hoping to hear from families of kids ages 0-8 in our communities about resources needs (daycare, transportation, etc).
Tomorrow is the last day to order Little Warrior Gear! Click the link to order: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/jhrtmfela2 The online store is only open for 14 days. All orders ship for free to GRS for distribution. All funds raised help support the PTO and our Little Warriors!
almost 2 years ago, Watseka Elementary
Asbestos abatement will begin at Watseka High School starting on March 20th. Please see the attached notification.
almost 2 years ago, Casie Hanson
Asbestos abatement
Mrs. Henneike's Creative Writing class is at it again! Help Mrs. Henneike choose this year's dystopian winner out of these stories: https://tinyurl.com/creativewritingD Vote Here: https://forms.gle/JAALpeocfQxG4fXA7
about 2 years ago, Watseka High School
Dystopian Creative writing contest
22/23 WCHS Yearbook - Order Soon at: tinyurl.com/yearbookwchs
about 2 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
WCHS Yearbook
REMINDER!! Preschool Screening: Friday, March 10, 2023 from 8:30-3:00pm at the Watseka Unit 9 Office. Call (815)432-2112 to schedule an appointment!
about 2 years ago, Watseka Elementary
The WJHS Ute Council is raising money for field trips and other activities for our junior high students. WJHS students will come home today with raffle tickets to sell. Please contact a WJHS student to purchase a raffle ticket or contact the WJHS office to purchase one. Tickets/ money due back March 15th Winners drawn at morning assembly on March 29th Thank you to our generous donors! Check out the most current list here: https://tinyurl.com/WJHSdonor If you would like to donate, please contact the WJHS office.
about 2 years ago, Watseka Junior High
Ute Council Meat Raffle
In support of Tyler and the Shoven Family, we are doing another Tyler Tough shirt order. Orders can be placed at: tinyurl.com/tylertough
about 2 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
Tyler Tough
Iroquois County CUSD #9 in Watseka would like to express our gratitude to the Frontline Impact Project and Lysol US for their remarkable donation of 30,000 Lysol Wipes to our district. As we navigate through the cold and flu season, these wipes will play a crucial role in keeping our students and staff healthy.
about 2 years ago, Watseka Elementary
Iroquois County CUSD #9 in Watseka would like to express our gratitude to the Frontline Impact Project and Lysol US for their remarkable donation of 30,000 Lysol Wipes to our district. As we navigate through the cold and flu season, these wipes will play a crucial role in keeping our students and staff healthy.
Iroquois County CUSD #9 in Watseka would like to express our gratitude to the Frontline Impact Project and Lysol US for their remarkable donation of 30,000 Lysol Wipes to our district. As we navigate through the cold and flu season, these wipes will play a crucial role in keeping our students and staff healthy.
WCHS Seniors and Senior Parents - Make sure Senior Information and Baby Pictures are submitted SOON!
about 2 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
23' Senior Information
February 23, 2023 Attention Unit 9 Families: In an effort to be transparent and proactive we would like to share with you information about possible threats. As you may or may not be aware, we have received automated voicemails threatening violence called into the Watseka Junior High office this week. Although these threats have been unfounded at this time, we have responded promptly and complied with local law enforcement policies and recommendations. These occurrences have progressed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the State Police in collaboration with our local law enforcement. Working together, Unit 9 is actively following up in investigating this issue. Please know that threats will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law when the investigation is closed. Safety is our number one priority. All threats are taken seriously. We thank the Watseka Police Department as they have been and will continue to be providing extra security around our school premises and have provided us guidance in these situations. As parents, you can help. Please take this opportunity to speak to your child about the importance of school safety. While peer pressure is an influence at this age, we want to encourage students to feel comfortable reporting any information they may have about situations that may compromise their safety and the safety of others. Working together we can maintain an environment where students are free to focus on learning. If you have any further questions, please reach out. Thank you for your support and assistance in keeping our schools safe for children. Mr. Jeff Perzee, Watseka Junior High Principal Mr. Travis Findlay, Watseka Community High School Principal Mr. Kyle Nevills, WJH/WCHS Assistant Principal Dr. David Andriano, Superintendent Click the link for the PDF copy of the letter: https://5il.co/1pp5q
about 2 years ago, Watseka Junior High
Little Warrior Gear is HERE! Click the link to order: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/JHRTMfeLa2 The online store is only open for 14 days. All orders ship for free to GRS for distribution. All funds raised help support the PTO and our Little Warriors!
about 2 years ago, Watseka Elementary
Little Warrior Gear
Mrs. Bandur’s Civics classes had the pleasure of listening to IL State Senator Tom Bennett today in class. They learned a lot about how IL politics work and got to ask great questions.
about 2 years ago, Watseka High School
Mrs. Bandur’s Civics classes had the pleasure of listening to IL State Senator Tom Bennett today in class. They learned a lot about how IL politics work and got to ask great questions.
Mrs. Bandur’s Civics classes had the pleasure of listening to IL State Senator Tom Bennett today in class. They learned a lot about how IL politics work and got to ask great questions.
Mrs. Bandur’s Civics classes had the pleasure of listening to IL State Senator Tom Bennett today in class. They learned a lot about how IL politics work and got to ask great questions.
Mrs. Bandur’s Civics classes had the pleasure of listening to IL State Senator Tom Bennett today in class. They learned a lot about how IL politics work and got to ask great questions.
Mrs. Bandur’s Civics classes had the pleasure of listening to IL State Senator Tom Bennett today in class. They learned a lot about how IL politics work and got to ask great questions.
The girls basketball team will play in the Sectional on Tuesday at Lexington High School. Tickets at the door are $8 or can be purchased online for $7 at https://gofan.co/app/events/898663?schoolId=IHSA Schedule/bracket is attached.
about 2 years ago, Casie Hanson
The girls basketball team will play in the Sectional on Tuesday at Lexington High School.  Tickets at the door are $8 or can be purchased online for $7 at https://gofan.co/app/events/898663?schoolId=IHSA
Explore KCC Day is on Monday February 20th from Noon- 2PM. You will be able to take tours, find out about program information, learn about support services, financial aid and how to enroll. To register for this event go to https://visit.kcc.edu/
about 2 years ago, Watseka High School
Explore KCC Day
If you have a student that will attend kindergarten in the fall, please fill out this pre-registration form at www.tinyurl.com/23u9newstudent. Once you fill out the pre-registration form, please call Jessica at (815) 432-2112 to schedule a screening appointment. Appointments will be held on April 12, 2023. During the appointment, students will do the Kindergarten screening and a parent/guardian will complete registration.
about 2 years ago, Casie Hanson
If you have a student that will attend kindergarten in the fall, please fill out this pre-registration form <a href="https://tinyurl.com/23u9newstudent">https://tinyurl.com/23u9newstudent</a>. Once you fill out the pre-registration form, please call Jessica at (815) 432-2112 to schedule a screening appointment. Appointments will be held on April 12, 2023.