Looking for Warrior Pride Apparel for You or Your Child? Check out the link: tinyurl.com/unit9pride Offering short and long-sleeve options, along with hoodies ORDERS ARE DUE FRIDAY 11/13/2020
about 4 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
Warrior Apparel
Kankakee Area Career Center has a staff member in Cosmetology that is a potential positive COVID case. They are awaiting results. Therefore, ALL phases of Cosmetology will be put on pause until further notice. This pause will begin today, Nov 5, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. Their instructors will be working with them via Google Classroom so students who are in the Cosmetology program should continue to log in and complete assignments.
about 4 years ago, Carolyn Short
Congratulations to our WINNER of the WCHS Marketing Red Ribbon Week Pumpkin Promotion Contest: Kinzie Parsons. Natalie Schroeder, Emma Trumann and Shawn Farris were only a few votes behind!!
about 4 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
WCHS Red Ribbon Week
1st Quarter: Mikuce Message
over 4 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
1st Quarter:   Mikuce Message
Good Evening! Unit 9 schools will begin our after school program starting November 4th. All WCHS students who are currently earning an F (or more than one F) will be required to stay for the tutoring portion of this program. This will take place on Wednesday, Nov 4th and Thursday, Nov 5th and will begin immediately after school. This will continue every week throughout the school year. Our focus is to work together to support our students in order for them to find success and earn expected credits for graduation. The session will end at 3:05pm and bus transportation home will be available. As always, we appreciate your support!
over 4 years ago, Carolyn Short
Envelohope - Marketing Commercial created by Aryanna Allard https://youtu.be/jvdCUissjmk
over 4 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
Magnificent Tire Attachment - Marketing Commercial created by Emma Trumann & Natalie Schroeder https://youtu.be/QWNsOTsblUc
over 4 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
WCHS Marketing
Dunk City - Marketing Commercial created by Drew Wittenborn and Brayden Haines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vJLxhBG0vc&feature=youtu.be
over 4 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
WCHS Marketing
TIP the Scale : Keep Showing Up Talking Improves Parenting
over 4 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
TIP the Scale - Talking Improves Parenting
TIP the Scale - Talking Improves Parenting
Key Club is hosting Red Ribbon Week starting on Monday. Be sure to dress up!
over 4 years ago, Casie Hanson
Red Ribbon Week
Want to see the creativity displayed in the halls of WCHS? Check out some of the locker boards hanging. Help keep this school tradition alive and get your locker board hung up soon! A board can be purchased from Mr. Wilkey and can be hung up before or after school any day! Click Here: https://youtu.be/z5zrBW0inPc
over 4 years ago, Casie Hanson
WCHS Graduation Requirement: Upcoming FAFSA Workshop Dates ISAC FINANCIAL AID WORKSHOPS: 10/21/20- 6 pm - 8 pm Virtual 10/26/20- 6 pm - 8 pm Virtual 10/29/20- 6 pm - 8 pm Virtual 11/04/20- 6 pm - 8 pm Virtual 11/14/20- 10 am - 12 pm Virtual 11/17/20- 6 pm - 8 pm Virtual Workshops are free but registration is required. Students can register at: studentportal.isac.org/Events KCC FINANCIAL AID WORKSHOPS: 10/20/20- Financial Aid Info Night & FAFSA Workshop: 6 pm-8 pm Virtual 11/04/20-FAFSA & Scholarship Workshop: 6 pm - 8 pm M120 11/19/20-FAFSA & Scholarship Workshop: 6 pm - 8 pm Virtual 12/09/20-FAFSA & Scholarship Workshop: 6 pm - 8 pm Virtual Workshops are free but registration is required. Students can register at: http://www.kcc.edu/future/paying/fedstateaid/Pages/FAFSA-Scholarship-Workshops.aspx
over 4 years ago, Carolyn Short
WCHS Picture Retakes will be on Thursday, October 15th for Maroon Group Students and Friday, October 16th for White Group Students. Picture packets are available in the main office.
over 4 years ago, Erika Sterrenberg
WCHS Picture Retakes
Check out Maddux Rigsby's Studio 9 video about how WCHS is handling school during the pandemic. Click Here: https://youtu.be/SsR4XMHcyMI
over 4 years ago, Casie Hanson
Sending a friendly reminder that the FAFSA application is now OPEN & is a graduation requirement through the state of Illinois! Student's can access the application via https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa. To help with the FAFSA process, students are recommended to utilize the following resources: WCHS FAFSA Parent Workshop on Wednesday, October 7th from 5 pm - 7 pm. Parents and students are required to sign-up. FAFSA Step-by-Step Guide (hard copy forms are located in the guidance office) FAFSA: 12th Grade Student Checklist
over 4 years ago, Carolyn Short
WCHS will have Parent/Teacher conferences on Monday, October 19th and Wednesday, October 21st from 4pm - 8pm. They will be held in the WCHS gym this year. Masks are required. Temperatures will be taken at the door. Due to the Covid guidelines, we are limited to time slots and only asking for parents who have concerns to call and sign up. To sign up for a conference please email Mrs. Page: dianne.page@watsekaschools.org If you prefer to conduct your teacher meeting remotely this can be done through Google Meets using your child's Chromebook Please specify if you are choosing a remote meeting when you email Mrs. Page.
over 4 years ago, Carolyn Short
WCHS National Honors Society is hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on October 13th from 8am-1pm. Students that want to sign up should see Mrs. Hanson. If you've given in the past, we are accepting adult appointments in the morning only before students give. You must have an appointment and slots are limited. The Red Cross is currently testing all blood donations for COVID-19 antibodies. Email casie.hanson@watsekaschools.org for an appointment or more information. Read more here: https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/dlp/covid-19-antibody-testing.html
over 4 years ago, Casie Hanson
Hello Parents/Guardians of the class of 2021. This is a reminder that the Jostens graduation order is due Monday, October 5th. Please place your order: Online www.jostens.com (Pay in full or JPAY Payment Plan) Hand into the school office on Monday ($60 down payment, payment in full or JPAY Payment Plan Scan/email or Mail to the Jostens office (address below, postmark by 10/5)- $60 down payment, payment in full, or JPAY payment Plan) Please reach out to Troy and Jeanne Hall with Jostens if you have any questions or need any forms emailed to you if you misplaced your packet. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Carolyn Short
KACC students will be expected to attend the career center on October 2nd, October 9th & October 12th. These three days are KACC attendance days but WCHS will not have classes on those days.
over 4 years ago, Carolyn Short
Unit 9 Parents/Guardians, please click here (https://forms.gle/oeyzTGsHGesGnGg17) to complete a survey about your 2nd quarter enrollment intentions for your child or go to the district website for survey. Please call your child's school if you are not able to access the survey.
over 4 years ago, Carolyn Short