Wanda Kendall open house will be tomorrow, October 2nd, from 5:30-7:00. Be sure to stop by the cafeteria while you’re here for our annual book fair. We look forward to seeing all of our wonderful families.
over 6 years ago, Jessica Heldt
Friendly reminder our first Ute Council meeting will be on September 26th at 5PM. All parent 5th through 8th grade are invited to attend. Ute Council supports dances, field trips, and academics at GRS. I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting. Thank you James Bunting
over 6 years ago, James Bunting
GRS is offering Glenn Raymond apparel at an online store. You can access the store at the following link https://glennraymondms.itemorder.com/sale The store will be open until Monday, October 15th. Thank you Go Utes!
over 6 years ago, James Bunting
Friendly reminder our first Ute Council meeting will be on September 26th at 5PM. All parent 5th through 8th grade are invited to attend. Ute Council supports dances, field trips, and academics at GRS. I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting. Thank you James Bunting
over 6 years ago, James Bunting
Due to forecasted extreme heat the next few days, Unit 9 will dismiss early on Tuesday 9/18, Wednesday 9/19 and Thursday 9/20. Nettie Davis and Wanda Kendall at 1 pm, GRS at 1:15 and WCHS 1:05.
over 6 years ago, Joe Schall
Due to extreme heat Unit 9 will dismiss early on Monday 9/17/18. Nettie Davis and Wanda Kendall at 1 pm, GRS at 1:15 and WCHS 1:05.
over 6 years ago, Joe Schall
WCHS Homecoming Game is tomorrow, Friday, September 14th. Game starts at 7:00 pm. Homecoming Dance is Saturday, September 15th. It will be held at the Unit Office from 7:00 - 10:00 pm.
over 6 years ago, Carolyn Short
Our first Ute Council meeting will be on September 26th at 5PM. All parent 5th through 8th grade are invited to attend. Ute Council supports dances, field trips, and academics at GRS. I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting. Thank you James Bunting
over 6 years ago, James Bunting
Reminder that there is a special board meeting tonight @ 6:30 between the Unit 9 and the Crescent-Iroquois Unit 249 boards at the Unit Office in Watseka to discuss the results of the feasibility study.
over 6 years ago, Joe Schall
The first home varsity football game is Friday 9/7/18. GRS student can sit with their parents or they are to sit with Mr. Bunting in the first section of bleachers. Go Warriors!
over 6 years ago, James Bunting
GRS picture packets were given to the students today. Picture day is Monday September 10th. Have a great evening.
over 6 years ago, James Bunting
Sorry for any confusion with the day of dismissal for heat. We will dismiss early Wednesday 9/5/18 Nettie & Wanda 1pm GRS 1:15 pm and WCHS 1:05pm.
over 6 years ago, James Bunting
Due to extreme heat Unit 9 will dismiss early on Tuesday 9/5/18. Nettie Davis and Wanda Kendall at 1 pm, GRS at 1:15 and WCHS 1:05.
over 6 years ago, Joe Schall
Due to extreme heat Unit 9 will dismiss early on Tuesday 9/4/18 Nettie Davis and Wanda Kendall 1 pm, GRS 1:15, and WCHS 1:05
over 6 years ago, James Bunting
Due to excessive heat, Unit 9 will be dismissing at the following times on Tuesday: Nettie and Wanda 1:00 pm, GRS 1:15 pm and WCHS 1:05 pm.
over 6 years ago, Guy Gradert
Girls basketball practice today has been cancelled due to the heat. Practice tomorrow 8/28/18 will be in the morning from 6:30am to 7:30am. If girls are unable to make it due to lack of a ride, that will not be held against them in anyway.
over 6 years ago, James Bunting
The GRS baseball game today 8/27/18 is cancelled due to extreme heat.
over 6 years ago, James Bunting
DUE TO EXTREME HEAT - UNIT #9 Schools will be dismissed at the following times today 8/27/18: NETTIE DAVIS & WANDA KENDALL 1:00 pm GLENN RAYMOND 1:15 pm WCHS 1:05 pm
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Dixon
REMINDER!!!! CAR RIDERS at Glenn Raymond MUST BE DROPPED OFF ON 3rd St. Between Mulberry and Washington Streets. DO NOT DROP OFF AT THE INTERSECTION OF MULBERRY AND 2ND!!! This is so important to help keep our students safe and to keep traffic from getting congested. Thank you James Bunting
over 6 years ago, James Bunting
Freshman Orientation will be held Monday, Aug 20th from 5:30 - 6:30 pm. We will begin in the WCHS cafeteria. Students will have the opportunity to sign up for clubs/organizations, walk through their schedule, and set up their locker. We hope parents are able to join us as well!
over 6 years ago, Carolyn Short