To report your student absent online, log into PowerSchool (not the app) and click Attendance Monitor from the left menu.
Attendance Procedures—General
As educators, we know that when a child misses a significant number of days from school, that child's education suffers accordingly. To help your child do his/her best in school, we encourage you to do everything in your power to promote good school attendance.
Please call or submit your student's absence on PowerSchool BEFORE 9:00 a.m. If no parent contact is made, the absence is considered unexcused.
Parents/Guardians may excuse their student from school 7 times each semester. After the 7th absence, a medical note is required for the absence to be excused. If your child goes to the doctor, bring in a doctor's note or email it to the building secretary so that the absence will be marked as medical.
WJHS and WCHS parents will receive an automated text message if a student is marked absent during first hour. If you already called your student in, please disregard the text message.
School Contact Information
Wanda Kendall (PreK-K)
(815) 432-2112
Glenn Raymond School (1st-5th)
(815) 432-4581
Watseka Junior High (6th-8th)
(815) 432-2115
Watseka High School (9th-12th)
(815) 432-2486