Please read the note from our Superintendent 3/29/20
over 4 years ago, Kristina Miller
Superintendent message
‼️REVISED PHONE NUMBER‼️ Unit 9 food pick up for Monday, March 30th and Wednesday, April 1st. Look for the yellow bus at your location and time. Also, WCHS will be open for carry outs at the cafeteria doors on Monday and Wednesday between 10:30-11:30.
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
Food pick up
Pick up your meals today 10:30a-11:30a at your location! Look for the Unit 9 bus or van.
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
Spring break meals
Two more great NCAA designs from the WCHS Marketing students!
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
Although March Madness was cancelled this year, that didn’t stop WCHS Marketing Students from designing NCAA Logos for the upcoming years.
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
Message from our Superintendent
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
Superintendent message 3/21/20
Governor Pritzker has extended our school closure until April 7th. The earliest opening date will be April 8th. More information will be shared in the near future.
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
KC-CASA and ISAS is helping to provide resources for parents and students during the school shutdown.
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
Free virtual activities
Students in Mrs. Henneike's Creative Writing class have been working on a Romance Story this week through E-Learning. Please enjoy the story written by Teagan Cawthon!
almost 5 years ago, Carolyn Short
Don’t forget to pick up your grab and go meals today at WCHS or Nettie Davis until 11! The kitchen staff have been busy preparing and handing them out.
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
Grab and Go at Nettie Davis
Grab and go prep
Students are spending time with their families while learning about Hispanic culture!
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
Students learning and spending time with family
Breakfast and lunch food bags during Spring Break
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
Spring Break food bags
There have been questions whether we are coming back to school this year. That decision has NOT been made by our government officials. As of this minute, school is scheduled to resume March 31. If and when a different directive is made, we will communicate that to our families.
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
Don’t forget to pick up your Grab & Go meal today thru 3/20 and 3/30 9a-11a at Nettie Davis or WCHS. We look forward to seeing you!
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
Grab & Go meals
3/17/20 letter to parents
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
3/17/20 letter to parents
*Grab & Go Meals* Nettie Davis- front office doors WCHS- Cafeteria doors -Available March 17-20 & March 30 -Available for all Unit 9, SALT and RACC students -Meals are free -Pick up between 9a-11a -Not available during Spring Break -Questions? Contact Jeanine at 815-432-3891
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
Please utilize the hotline number for any technical needs during this time off pertaining to eLearning: 815-293-7041
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
The Building project presentation scheduled for March 17 has been postponed. It is now scheduled for March 31 at 6:00PM at the High School cafeteria.
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
Open letter to Unit 9 students
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
Student letter
Message from the Superintendent
almost 5 years ago, Kristina Miller
Superintendent message2
Superintendent message