Seal of Biliteracy
The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given in recognition to graduating high school students who have demonstrated a high level of proficiency in English and in reading, writing, listening and speaking in another language.
The Seal of Biliteracy takes the form of a gold seal that appears on the diploma of the graduating senior.
How do you earn it at WCHS?
Students earn the Illinois Seal of Biliteracy by doing 2 things:
Demonstrating proficiency in English on the SAT/ACT
Demonstrating proficiency in a second language on the AAPPL test/ACCESS
SAT: 480+ ELA score
ACT: Meet the ACT college ready benchmark for
the English subject area test or achieve a composite score of at least 21 on the ACT
ACCESS: for ELLs score of 4.8 overall
What are the benefits of attaining the State of Illinois Seal of Biliteracy?
May meet the college entrance requirement of two years of foreign language for Illinois public colleges and universities
May obtain college credit in modern languages at Illinois public colleges and universities
It recognizes the value of language and diversity
It prepares students with 21st century skills that will benefit them in the labor market and the global society
It provides with employers with a method of identifying people with language and biliteracy skills
It provides colleges and universities with a method to recognize and give credit to applicants for attainment of high level skills in multiple languages
State Commendation
The State Commendation towards Biliteracy is an award given in recognition to graduating high school students who have demonstrated significant progress towards achieving a high level of proficiency in English and in reading, writing, listening and speaking in another language.
The State Commendation towards Biliteracy takes the form of a gold seal that appears on the diploma of the graduating senior.
How do you earn it at WCHS?
Students earn the Illinois Seal of Biliteracy by doing 2 things:
Demonstrating proficiency in English on the SAT/ACT
Demonstrating proficiency in a second language on the AAPPL test/ACCESS
SAT: 480+ ELA score
ACT: Meet the ACT college ready benchmark for
the English subject area test or achieve a composite score of at least 21 on the ACT
ACCESS: for ELLs score of 3.5